The story is about four girls growing up during a war stricken time (Civil War), of their hopes, their disappointments, of laughter and sorrow, of love and heartache, but most of all, of growing up and becoming 'Little Women'. Meg is th eldest, pretty and grown up, very sensible, and in love with the neighbor's grandson's tutor, most of the time known as John. Jo is the classic tomboy, foolhardly and impetuous, full of laughter and spirit, with an unquenchable temper. Then there's Beth, the gentlest of the four, with a sweetness and innocence that touches one's heart. Amy, the youngest, spoiled rotten but never mean hearted, is artistic and destined for riches. These four little women stick together through joy and sorrow, pain and anguish, and come through to bring true meaning to the word 'sisters'.
It was a a nice story. Nice and only nice. The author doesn't seem to know what the word excitement means. It was touching, I suppose, in a cheesy sort of way. There is nothing about the book-at least the events-that just jumps out and grabs you. However, the characters are what made the book so memerable. Years from now, one will still remember the plucky Jo, shy Beth, artistic Amy, playful Laurie, and sensible Meg. Eileen Y.
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