Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Magic Circle by Donna Jo Napoli

High up on a mountain, deep in its woods, lives an old witch known as the Ugly One. She longs to forget that she is now a witch, claimed by devils and demons; she wants to return to being a loving mother, midwife, and healer she once was. One day, she hears the sound she never wanted to hear again. The sound of foot steps. Children's footsteps. She now longs to take care of the young girl named Gretel and her younger brother Hansel, just as she took care of her daughter Asa. They are so beautiful and good hearted. Yet the devils and demons in her head screm," Eat them!" How can she, but how can she ignore the demon's commands?

The Magic Circle is an emotional and compassionate book by Donna Jo Napoli. This book is an interesting tale about the witch in Hansel and Gretel, how she came to be, and her demise. People who love folktales and fairy tales will love this book. The mood of this book is compassionate and mystifying. What made this book catch my eye was that it was by Donna Jo Napol, an excellent writer. The Magic Circle is another great book by Donna Jo Napol. -Olivia R.

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